The Ava Credit Card helps you build credit and save money on debt. The best way to tackle debt is to find the lowest cost of debt possible so you pay as little as necessary. At Ava, the create a personalized step by step plans, starting with improving your credit score. Ava’s credit building features sets you up for saving money on debt. With the Credit Building card and the Savings Builder Ava provides you with the fastest and easiest way to improving your score so you qualify for the lowest cost of debt you’re entitled to. Ava will then automatically find the best credit products that saves you money. Let Ava’s technology do the work so you don’t have to!
The Ava credit building card works like any other credit card but has built in features meant to boost your credit score. With a credit limit of $2,500 but the ability to spend up to $25 on a subscription program monthly, Ava massively improves your Credit Card Utilization score which is a big part of your credit score. The balance on your Ava is due 7 days after you use the card, which Ava will pull from the bank account you connected during onboarding. Then they report both your utilization and on time payments to the credit bureaus which , again, boosts your credit score!
To cover their cost to serve you, Ava charges a monthly subscription fee of $9/month or $6/month if you sign up for an annual plan. There are NO hidden fees or interest charges for Ava’s products. Ava wins when you have excellent credit, save money, and reach your financial goals!
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